

Hello to all of our friends and family who read this! We are so sorry it’s been forever since our last update. There was a lot of: “We really need to make a new post on the site!” “Yeah, we do!” and then nothing. It just didn’t happen. Time and time again these words were said, but neither of us did anything about it.

Well, now we’re sitting at our computers. Nick is playing Cities: Skylines and I’m here typing this. So get ready for the biggest and hypest update of your lives. I mean really. It will blow your mind. Here it comes. Ready? Better sit down. Grab some water. Okay, here goes.

I have my little date books in front of me so you can trust this info is accurate. Our last update was in November when my folks came down…and not much else happened that month, haha. We went back home during Thanksgiving- Nick in Flower Mound and I went up to Kansas to visit Mom’s family.

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In the beginning of December, we went to another cool show: Netsky. I can tell you it was good music and it was a late night. One of those times where our ages are becomming apparent.

December was also my Opa and Dad’s birthdays- happy birthday to them…again! Fun fact, the three of us are each born 30 years apart from one another on the nose.

December was also Nick’s work’s Christmas Party- that was a lot of fun! So. Much. Food. He works with a lot of good people. There was a photo booth too- SO WE DID THAT A BUNCH.


The next week, we went to the Trail of Lights. It’s this big Christmas light set up the city of Austin does during the holidays at Zilker Park. It’s huge. So many lights. And food trucks. And lights. Lights. Makes for really pretty pictures and a fun time. My mom would love it, haha. Next year!

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Then, we went back home for Xmas! I think both of us had a nice, relaxing week. Our families had a nice dinner together at Cafe Italia (delicious) that week and I got to see my good buds. Oh, and sleep. And eat snacks.

That does it for the end of 2014. On to 2015!

January was busy to say the least and noooooooooot too many photos to show for it unfortunately. We went to several shows with friends during the month including this guy called Slow Magic. He put on a great set for us. Also, Nick headed to Las Vegas on his second business trip with HIL. The end of the month marked a trip to San Antonio when we went to PAX South. PAX is a huge gaming convention and this is the first year for its southern branch. It was amazing. Probably the best convention I’ve ever been to. So many games to play and so little time AND SO MUCH FREE STUFF. We also met up with a good friend of ours there- found each other within about 10 minutes of arriving because I have crazy psychic bonds with my friends, haha. It was a really great day!

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February! Nick’s 26th birthday rolled around and his folks came down to help celebrate. We did a lot of fun, outdoorsy stuff that weekend. We really do love when our parents come down. Maybe someday they can all live closer ;).


This month also marked the debut of Fright Night- much to Nick’s chagrin. We had some friends over to watch scary movies which I love. Hopefully we can turn that into some kind of monthly past time. There were a couple photo expeditions this month, but all-in-all it was fairly quiet. A slow pace is sometimes very welcome around here.

And finally we get to March! Here is where the relaxed atmosphere of February gets shot right out the window. I will just have to go in order of our adventures!

My folks came down again during the first weekend. My cousin is having a baby and she had her shower on the 7th. We decided it’d be a good time for a visit since that was the only thing going on and they’d be down here anyway. It was a lovely shower- good to see the rest of the family too. My parents, Nick, and I had a great time eating out and we went to play miniature golf as well! That’s something we use to do all the time when I was growing up, so it was great to reminisce and play a laid back game of putt-putt. Austin has a great little course near our place with lots of statues made by local artists. Honestly, though, the T-Rex was the best part.

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The next week brought with it SXSW- a huge festival down here filled with music, movies, entertainment, and interactive events. The city gets packed and lots of locals evacuate that week. Nick and I decided since it was our first one, we would hit it full throttle. Lots of awesome shows including the Nerdist party down at Bangers, the Gaming Expo, bar hopping on Rainey Street, and the Bassdrive show a little up North on 12th. That’s really just to name a few. I also really got to use my new camera my folks got me for Christmas. I’ll post a couple of photos, but the majority will be on Flickr!

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WHEW! I think that about does it for the last few months! Next weekend we have our Journey concert that got rescheduled, so definitely look out for photos of that because it will be amazing and I could not be more excited. Thanks for reading this novel and we will try to update more! I do not want to be writing for 5 months worth of activities again, haha.