
Kreuls and Nick at La BBQ

Mom and Pops wanted to come down for my birthday a few weekends ago, however that trip was railroaded by the glorious Formula 1 race AKA hotels are $400 a night suddenly. So we moved it forward to the next weekend.

The result: Super fun and reasonable hotel rates…and Doctor Who Lego sets. And Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Win/win/win/win. Best parents ever.

We, of course, had to go out to eat to all of the places I’ve been raving about these past few months.

The initial plan was to go to Home Slice Pizza down on South Congress then walk around for a bit because it’s a pretty cool area. However, we were met with an hour wait time and, while I’m sure it’s great, it’s pizza. The four of us walked down a ways and found a chicken place that Nick and I had heard of, but have never tried: Ms P’s Electric Cock. Yes, please, and thank you.

Mom and Dad at Ms P's

Not crowded and super delicious. Very tender and juicy chicken, excellent fries, and plenty of seating. I recommend.

Group photo at Ms P's

The rest of the day was spent walking around SoCo and checking out the shops. Well, one shop. The candy shop. Which is clearly the best shop. Afterwards, we headed back to base to freshen up, walk our friend’s dog, then head out to dinner.

Dinner was at a nearby Mexican restaurant called Casa Maria. We’ve checked it out once before with Nick’s family and it was just as good as the first time. I was never a big Mexican food fan before I moved down here and this place definitely makes me seek it out.

We went back to our place for some belated birthday cake (Granny’s recipe) and chatted for quite awhile. That’s what my family is best at and I have inherited it as well.

Sunday morning we got in gear and headed to La Barbecue. My folks adore BBQ and Austin has made me quite the lover as well. This place does it flawlessly…you just have to make sure you’re in line early enough to get it. Luckily, it didn’t take too long before we were all enjoying delicious brisket and pork.

In line at La BBQ

Cake and visiting were had after our meat comas wore off, then they had to head out :(. Thanksgiving is right around the corner though and that means a trip back to Dallas for both Nick and I.

It was really cool having them here to visit and a little surreal. So many years spent having guests come to our house and now I’m hosting my parents. Weird. Full circle.

PS: Look at how good this brisket looks I mean come on.

Brisket La BBQ