

Los Angeles - Part 2

Day 5

Ahh day 5, the day of laziness. Our plan today was to hang out at the apartment until Ian got back from work, make some lunch, and then head to the beach around 2. What actually happened is that we got to the beach around 4; right on schedule! We got there just in time to catch the last hours of sunlight and watch the sunset on the beach. We’re pretty laid back travelers who prefer to go with the flow as opposed to sticking to a strict schedule.

Us at the beach

We took way, way too many photos at the beach. I’ll post the appropriate ones below, but there are a million photos of Halleh and Ian making out. Gross you guys, get your own vacation.


Trying to get Cody wet


Cody and Halleh

After wandering around the beach I had to meet a work client for dinner. He picked a pretty posh spot in Beverly Hills called the The Beverly Grill, so the crew dropped me off and then headed back home. Meanwhile at dinner I ordered a $50 steak and did two $20 shots of tequila with my client, all on his tab. Can this vacation get any better?

Day 6

We finally went to the Getty Museum, which is a completely free and absolutely beautiful art museum. The Getty was way cooler than I imagined it would be. Let me break it down.

  • They have a tram that takes you from the parking garage to the actual museum, and it winds up a hill so you get gorgeous views of the surrounding area.
  • It was free, always a plus for us frugal travelers.
  • Tons of exhibits, reasonably priced and healthy food, and more amazing views of Los Angeles.

If I had known the Getty was this cool I would’ve made it a point to go when we were in LA two years ago. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Photographer Cody

Getty Museum

More Getty

Even More Getty

We finished up the day by going to a restaurant that Halleh and Ian had been raving about the entire week. They have good food (check), good beer (double check), and located exactly one metro stop from Halleh’s apartment.

This was also the only time we took a group photo the entire time we were in LA. Fail!

Group photo

Day 7

Our friends drove down to San Diego for the day, so Cody and I took another long metro ride to the beach. This time we want to Santa Monica beach, mostly because it was familiar to us and I wanted to do a little shopping. We walked up and down the beach from Santa Monica to Venice, and then back. We found a really nice and kind of secluded bench from which to watch the waves roll in. So peaceful.

Santa Monica Beach

Getting to the beach no problem, but we had to leave around 5pm to meet Halleh and Ian for dinner. What a mistake that was, I knew traffic in LA was absolutely insane but it took us FOREVER to get back to the metro station. To put it into perspective, our Lyft ride from the metro station to Santa Monica beach was about 15 minutes. Going back, it was almost an hour! Longest Lyft ride ever.

This was our last night in LA before we hopped on a plane to San Francisco, so the four of us just hung out and watched Youtube videos all night. It was a very relaxing end to a very fun, and even more relaxing, week long vacation in Los Angeles. I’m sure we’ll be back soon :)
